Monday, November 14, 2005

black coffee..

i got this from a friend.. a coffeemania i guess =P

you drink coffee not because it's sweet
but more because it's bitter..
coz then you hope it'll make you feel better

bitter and better... two words that separated by a vocal
but had far different meaning
but when u feel bitter and you get better
thats when life counts..
wel, eventually everything will get better don't it?


Rini Sugianto said...

lol..november rain.. sweet .. haven't heard that song for a while.. kinda forgot actually .. and it's good to be reminded..
you know actually it wasn't too bad at all .. you'll learn something from bad stuff.. i think i learn something too.. just not too sure what it is now.. but i'm sure it's for the best.

Ceps! said...

hey, in life.. there's always things to learn...from good or bad, and yea.its for the best. its just the way we see it and face it =D

so, enjoy this cold november rain =D ...