Thursday, September 15, 2011


today is really weird.. having so many things to do, i don't know where to start. Received a letter from Sarah, (finally it arrived) and a postcard from this awesome Polish people... but nonetheless somethings bothers me... or as it always been, at least this year.... I just hope I can channel my mind into something more focused idea and thoughts. I need this.. I really need this... but at least I'm writing again...  


Will said...


Ceps! said...

so, people keep asking what's weird.. this is what. these week felt so loooong (well, in fact its been like this since 2 weeks ago. this past 2 weeks felt like 2 years), yet it was soooo fast! what a paradox.

There were so many things to do yet my ADS won't help me any bit.. made it more difficult to concentrate, which in the end made me just wasted my time even more. productivity was far from my dictionary. yet things keep moving as it should've been. the only thing i thought was.. if my mind was better, how much more can i do...

third.. this 'living in two worlds' thingy keeps bothering me.. with all the people i'm thinking about and constantly missing.. some friends, close friends whom i know in Taize... can't say that they're having the best days in their lives. in fact, maybe its the contrary... i keep thinking (and praying) about them, wondering how is it possible that we experience the same more less situation at the same time?... wish i can meet all of them in Berlin. but is it possible? can anything be resolved out of this idea?

community. maybe its the answer.. and that is also what i've been thinking lately.. should i or shouldn't i? is it the answer or is it just an escape route?

next, some other news, a petite morada brother send a news that he's gonna stay in Indonesia for 2 years from November.. amazing!. then i thought how many people that I've met in Taize choose Indonesia as their next destination, for a holiday, visit, or even social work.. does it have anything to do with me? yet i'm still hoping that more will come, especially didi.. one day..

and Venezuela... how can i not think about that?