22.15 PM
this is d day dat we want to celebrate.. We hugged each other & we prayed together. Da gt keluar nikmatin the morning view.. Wuuaa.. Kereen bgt Boow! Indah d... Klo stay disini bbrp hr buat istirahat jg okay.. pemandangannya bagus bgt, palagi klo da matahari..coz selama disini blon ketemu matahari.... Hehe langsunglaah foto2, capturing the moment & scenery..the lake is Very beautiful, the hills are georgeous, standing tall & firm, yet lovely.. Everywhere you look, there are hills & water..
makam raja sidabutar di tomok jadi inceran berikut. tmptnya c bener2 ga ada yg bisa diliyat. Daerah ini gak bisa jual apa2... Cuma numpang alam aja, what a waste!
da diceritain latar blkngnya, kita liyat rumah tradisionalnya batak ampe ke dlm2 rumahnya.. Ini doang yg worth disitu. Eeh, da gitu ujan turun dgn hepinya, mungkin da tau kita gaq ada yg bawa payung hehehe ya ujan ujananlaaa kita ngejar jam brkt feri. Untung deket bgt dr situ.
So,@ ferry i began to sigh.. Thinking that i would miss a lot of beauty.. I saw the clouds & the rain covering everything in front of my eyes..
Awan nutupin pemandangan yg indah, mataharipun enggan menampakkan wajahnya, the clouds covering a beautiful landscape seakan akan bilang sama matahari "kali ini gw giliran gw yg show off". Well, klo mo jujur sih, dikasi awan mendung gt juga ttp bagus koq..awan awan yg nutupin sebagian gunung & pemandangan parapat yg diselimuti awan juga bagus bgt, kecuali buat camera. jd emg giliran awan yg show off.. Tp Di kejauhan matahari udah ngintip..
Beautiful will always be beautiful, no matter what may come.. The show off is over, dan walopun matahari gaq nongol (dan seharian itu gaq nongol seharian), I can see all d view. It's still magnificent! I climb up the ferry's ladder to see the view.. Never want to go down.. I can see all around in d middle of d boat without blinking.. God is soo awsome! All this beauty He created didn't miss a spot!
We docked @ parapat n we’ll, not much to tell.. Not much to see.. cuma batu gantung yg trnyta cuma gt aja.. Tetep pemandangannya yg tiada tara.. Liat monyet monyet cilik berkeliaran di pinggir jalan.. Eh beneran monyet loo.. :D. Till night there's nothing special to tell, except that we share old memories.. Remembering & reflecting the first 8 wonder years as a familly... We talked & laugh.. Till we all fall asleep
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