Day 4
Wake up, bread & breakfast, siap2 melalui jln yg panjang ke tarutung.. (tararutung - pada gosong, klo kt org sunda hehehe)..4 hours trip. Stopped by di Siborrong Borrong (knp ya di tanah bataq ini bnyk si-nya?) mkn a different style of piggy.. Piggy all d way niih!! Fatso me.
Jalan ke salib kasih, the cross of love. Daerah wisata rohani di tarutung.. It is a hill of forests, & on top of it (wel, almost top sih) there's a big cross. A VERY big one! Huge & enormous! tp kudu jln kaki naek ke atas bukit dulu, lumayan tinggi & jauh.. Ada rumah2 doa & ada tmp ibadah outdoor gt.. Bagus juga.. Tp sekali lg pemandangan Tarutung itu bener2 TOB! Sebuah kota dikelilingi bukit2,. Kyk di lembah gt... Cold & freezing, yet marvelous! Ketemuan ma John & Tiar temennya yosi, seneng bgt mrk, kawan karib dr kampus.. Trus ke rumahnya john yg sgt sederhana.. A small wooden house in the hill.. Just like in country movies, but NOT a cowboy movie :p. Sometimes I wonder how would it be if I live there..
I ride john's bike to his house from the love cross.. Freezing!! was really freezing!! I'm a short-pants rider in the wild freezing air
Kita cabut ke siantar jam 5 sore, 5-6 hours trip.. Beli ombus2 di jln pulang, smsan ma tmn br yg mo ujian (wiiihiiw asiknya biqn sirq org hehehe :D) & janjian doa brg anaq2 Life Group. Nyampe di siantar, jlnnya gedee, kyk jln sudirman di bandung.. Cuacanya jg ok, dingin sepoi2 gitu, small city, n guess what.. Bersiih boow!! Cm balikpapan yg bs nandingin bersihnya siantar. Lgsglaah kita CARI DUREEN! Hehehe.. to b fair, agaq2 mengecewakan sih durennya,sedikit, secuil mungil ukurannya but who cares! This is duren man!!
Sikatlah yg bs diembat hehehe :p (da kyk org Batax gw ya hehehe) & bersyukurlah kami padaNya, asli batak kali aku inilah! Bah :D
Nyampe wisma yg kasurnya kyk papan (untung da biasa hehehe) lngsung bless..
& rebutan colokan dulu sebelumnya whihi..
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