11.25 pm, 22 sept 06
Second day...
We depart from the hostel @ 10.. Round around ke pasar bunga & buah.. Semuanya bgs2.. Bunganya jg indah2.. Kyk di puncak bgt deey.. Buahnya jg murah2.. Borong jeruk, terong belanda, & mangga mungil tp manis.. Muter bentar bwat mkn pecel! Trus ke tmn hutan rakyat bukit barisan, ktmu bnyk monyet, yg lucu, salah satu msk ke mobil sebelah & ngembat permen permen,.. Yg laen pd ikut turun dr po'on.. Rameing d ma monyet.. Didn't touch them..
Take some pic, then off we go..
Jlnnya gaq lebar tp jauuh & luruus lurus.. We stopped by to a very interesting place called taman wisata iman. Disitu ada replika & patung2 religius dr 5 agama, & since this is a christian area, you could find church everywhere.. Gkpi, hkbp mostly..di area seluas 13 ha itu ada patung2 peristiwa dr jmn abraham ke musa, trus jln salib yesus sampe disalib & bangkit.. Yg laen kecil2 :p...
From Karo to Toba
We stopped by again @ tb simatupang & l manik statue.. A good view around the forest. Take some pictures & realized that i'm fatsoo now. Need to shape up my body again hahaha...
The last stop was magnificent! its called tele hills & mountains.. You could see lake toba from a distance & pemandangan bukitnya man!! Ga nahaan!! Sayang bgt batere camnya da tepar.. Jlnnya beneran nyusur pegunungan, & jlnnya kecil bgt, blm pula bnyk batu yg jatoh dr atas pd mejeng di tengah jalan.. Wuu... Never saw such scenery in front of my eyes, biasanya cm liyad di tv.. This is not a trip, this is an ADVENTURE!! aweesoomee!
A magic wonder that God had created.
Sayang blon dibuat maksimal promosinya..pdhl amat sangat menjanjikan. The people are too traditional.. Not educated enough to see how they can promote this place. Indonesia tu kaya raya, tp most of the ctizen tu org2 miskin.. Well, sebenernya kita gaq pernah merdeka dr penjajahan.. Sigh..
what a waste of beat. Penduduknya masi tradisional bgt.. The traditional is good, but the way of thinkingnyaa itu looow.. antara sayang, sebel & kesel... sigh.. merananya negeriku
So we arrived @ samosir yg sepiii bgt jam 5.30 pm.. Di jln cm liyat rumah2 traditional & kuburan yg jauu lbi mewah dr rumah itu sendiri..
Cr hotel carolina which is good & very cheap, good view too, cm da mlm..
Satu persatu tidur.. I stay awake the last..
Wondeful scenery.. Amazing view, lots to think, a great give thanks in the end..
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