Thursday, August 11, 2005


all this is weird...
all day i feel very sad, pure sad...
don't have anything to do ...
on daily basis, i enjoyed life more than ever this whole month..
i get to know God more, i felt like i have more energy inside me...
and i get to know you more...

i work, happily.. hoping to end the work day with things that i've acomplished.. 
and well, sometimes i didn't give a damn about it..=D
i'm just waiting for the work bell to ring ..
take a bath (sometimes ehhehehe) and go straight away to where life is
today.. i really hate when the bell rings
had nowhere to go.. don't know what to do...
just thinking what went wrong...

but nothings wrong... its just my heart that's missing something...
last month i'm okay with this daily basis..
today, its just feel so weird.....

wish u were here...

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