i'm back on where i should've been...
after more than a month, finally i'm back on writings...
some new things had happened along the way.. the best moments and the bad as as well..
let this also be my news letter
in october tons of burdens, fun, anger, hope enthusiasm spin on and off, mix at the push your personal limit camp! it's always been like this every year
one of the most incredible moments i've ever run into...
my favourite camp from years to years
new excitement, new challenges, new atmosphere and definitely an improvement program. we have new programs, new printed workbook (yippiee!!), new teams and many more..
unfortunately not all the facilitators understood every meaning of it since they're new, but its good for them cause they also learn a lot from the program...
always in and out.. a balance i should say?
naa.. better next year, which i believe i'm gonna miss... a lot
i get to see the originality of the kids, the team and the development that had take place..
new atmosphere @ school, the way they changed, some good and some others didn't. but that's how things went when you give all of it to all kids without any chance to select them.
after 4 waves of PYPL, my body began to exhaust.. but not the enthusiasm.. and thats what generates the energy level in my body, waive and massive,.....coz live in awaits!
the most exciting moment for me... a loong waited program since the kids are the ones i knew for more than 2 years. I've waited this chance a loong time, as some kids asked me whether i'm joining in or not.. its been up and down since theres no certainty whether i'm allowed to go or not.. few days before D day, i've finally granted the permission to go! i can't believe in goin live in again after years... since high school man! 14 years ago!! whoo haa!!
i know NOTHING before i go! nothing at all, and as know myself, it annoys me.. so i began searching here and there for information, not the best there is but at least i had a picture about it, alhough it was not a blue print of the event
i was placed at cuntel village, and as the guys said ngaduman was always better than cuntel, i told myself, "than lets have fun and make it good no matter what happens", and frankly .. thats what happened for almost everyone at cuntel village.
the village is located up to the south hill of salatiga city, around one hour from the city. about 134 families lived there, most of them earn their living by farming. it was cold up specially after the sun sets down around 6 o'clock
the situation when we were there are so pity, no rain in 7 month, and they can't farm.. barely no plants survived.. but they survived in hope.. cool aren' t they?
2 waves from physics and social class, both of them rocks in their own way..
lots of dynamic rythm.. mm.. the food was awesome! can't forget about it..
back @ home, a week after Live In i had an accident. and i broke my leg!
a first time experience ever, and somewhat it didn't terified me much, ah i guess my kinda mistake not taking it seriously... i can't move my feet much and i can't go anywhere for a month.
feeling lazy most of the time as i had not many things to do afterall..
and one day i discovered that i don't have anything to do.. and it scares me!! =D
nothing much happened besides my healing process..
uhm.. i broke up with inge after months of uncertainty. don't feel much about it and again made my friends wonder of the feeling i had.. this guy just broke up but he loooks fine... and i'm fine indeed...
so, a singular beacon has been led again...
everything until desember, SHAZAM!!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Happiness is something we create in our mind
It’s not something you search for and so seldom find
It’s just waking up and beginning the day
By counting our blessings and kneeling to pray
It’s giving up thoughts that breed discontent and
accepting what comes as a gift heaven sent
It’s giving up wishing for things we have not
and making the best of whatever we’ve got
It’s knowing that life is determined for us,
And pursuing our tasks without fret, fume or fuss
For it’s by completing what GOD gives us to do
That we find real contentment and happiness too
It’s not something you search for and so seldom find
It’s just waking up and beginning the day
By counting our blessings and kneeling to pray
It’s giving up thoughts that breed discontent and
accepting what comes as a gift heaven sent
It’s giving up wishing for things we have not
and making the best of whatever we’ve got
It’s knowing that life is determined for us,
And pursuing our tasks without fret, fume or fuss
For it’s by completing what GOD gives us to do
That we find real contentment and happiness too
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Day 4
Wake up, bread & breakfast, siap2 melalui jln yg panjang ke tarutung.. (tararutung - pada gosong, klo kt org sunda hehehe)..4 hours trip. Stopped by di Siborrong Borrong (knp ya di tanah bataq ini bnyk si-nya?) mkn a different style of piggy.. Piggy all d way niih!! Fatso me.
Jalan ke salib kasih, the cross of love. Daerah wisata rohani di tarutung.. It is a hill of forests, & on top of it (wel, almost top sih) there's a big cross. A VERY big one! Huge & enormous! tp kudu jln kaki naek ke atas bukit dulu, lumayan tinggi & jauh.. Ada rumah2 doa & ada tmp ibadah outdoor gt.. Bagus juga.. Tp sekali lg pemandangan Tarutung itu bener2 TOB! Sebuah kota dikelilingi bukit2,. Kyk di lembah gt... Cold & freezing, yet marvelous! Ketemuan ma John & Tiar temennya yosi, seneng bgt mrk, kawan karib dr kampus.. Trus ke rumahnya john yg sgt sederhana.. A small wooden house in the hill.. Just like in country movies, but NOT a cowboy movie :p. Sometimes I wonder how would it be if I live there..
I ride john's bike to his house from the love cross.. Freezing!! was really freezing!! I'm a short-pants rider in the wild freezing air
Kita cabut ke siantar jam 5 sore, 5-6 hours trip.. Beli ombus2 di jln pulang, smsan ma tmn br yg mo ujian (wiiihiiw asiknya biqn sirq org hehehe :D) & janjian doa brg anaq2 Life Group. Nyampe di siantar, jlnnya gedee, kyk jln sudirman di bandung.. Cuacanya jg ok, dingin sepoi2 gitu, small city, n guess what.. Bersiih boow!! Cm balikpapan yg bs nandingin bersihnya siantar. Lgsglaah kita CARI DUREEN! Hehehe.. to b fair, agaq2 mengecewakan sih durennya,sedikit, secuil mungil ukurannya but who cares! This is duren man!!
Sikatlah yg bs diembat hehehe :p (da kyk org Batax gw ya hehehe) & bersyukurlah kami padaNya, asli batak kali aku inilah! Bah :D
Nyampe wisma yg kasurnya kyk papan (untung da biasa hehehe) lngsung bless..
& rebutan colokan dulu sebelumnya whihi..
Wake up, bread & breakfast, siap2 melalui jln yg panjang ke tarutung.. (tararutung - pada gosong, klo kt org sunda hehehe)..4 hours trip. Stopped by di Siborrong Borrong (knp ya di tanah bataq ini bnyk si-nya?) mkn a different style of piggy.. Piggy all d way niih!! Fatso me.
Jalan ke salib kasih, the cross of love. Daerah wisata rohani di tarutung.. It is a hill of forests, & on top of it (wel, almost top sih) there's a big cross. A VERY big one! Huge & enormous! tp kudu jln kaki naek ke atas bukit dulu, lumayan tinggi & jauh.. Ada rumah2 doa & ada tmp ibadah outdoor gt.. Bagus juga.. Tp sekali lg pemandangan Tarutung itu bener2 TOB! Sebuah kota dikelilingi bukit2,. Kyk di lembah gt... Cold & freezing, yet marvelous! Ketemuan ma John & Tiar temennya yosi, seneng bgt mrk, kawan karib dr kampus.. Trus ke rumahnya john yg sgt sederhana.. A small wooden house in the hill.. Just like in country movies, but NOT a cowboy movie :p. Sometimes I wonder how would it be if I live there..
I ride john's bike to his house from the love cross.. Freezing!! was really freezing!! I'm a short-pants rider in the wild freezing air
Kita cabut ke siantar jam 5 sore, 5-6 hours trip.. Beli ombus2 di jln pulang, smsan ma tmn br yg mo ujian (wiiihiiw asiknya biqn sirq org hehehe :D) & janjian doa brg anaq2 Life Group. Nyampe di siantar, jlnnya gedee, kyk jln sudirman di bandung.. Cuacanya jg ok, dingin sepoi2 gitu, small city, n guess what.. Bersiih boow!! Cm balikpapan yg bs nandingin bersihnya siantar. Lgsglaah kita CARI DUREEN! Hehehe.. to b fair, agaq2 mengecewakan sih durennya,sedikit, secuil mungil ukurannya but who cares! This is duren man!!
Sikatlah yg bs diembat hehehe :p (da kyk org Batax gw ya hehehe) & bersyukurlah kami padaNya, asli batak kali aku inilah! Bah :D
Nyampe wisma yg kasurnya kyk papan (untung da biasa hehehe) lngsung bless..
& rebutan colokan dulu sebelumnya whihi..
32 YEARS OF MARRIAGE - day three
22.15 PM
this is d day dat we want to celebrate.. We hugged each other & we prayed together. Da gt keluar nikmatin the morning view.. Wuuaa.. Kereen bgt Boow! Indah d... Klo stay disini bbrp hr buat istirahat jg okay.. pemandangannya bagus bgt, palagi klo da matahari..coz selama disini blon ketemu matahari.... Hehe langsunglaah foto2, capturing the moment & scenery..the lake is Very beautiful, the hills are georgeous, standing tall & firm, yet lovely.. Everywhere you look, there are hills & water..
makam raja sidabutar di tomok jadi inceran berikut. tmptnya c bener2 ga ada yg bisa diliyat. Daerah ini gak bisa jual apa2... Cuma numpang alam aja, what a waste!
da diceritain latar blkngnya, kita liyat rumah tradisionalnya batak ampe ke dlm2 rumahnya.. Ini doang yg worth disitu. Eeh, da gitu ujan turun dgn hepinya, mungkin da tau kita gaq ada yg bawa payung hehehe ya ujan ujananlaaa kita ngejar jam brkt feri. Untung deket bgt dr situ.
So,@ ferry i began to sigh.. Thinking that i would miss a lot of beauty.. I saw the clouds & the rain covering everything in front of my eyes..
Awan nutupin pemandangan yg indah, mataharipun enggan menampakkan wajahnya, the clouds covering a beautiful landscape seakan akan bilang sama matahari "kali ini gw giliran gw yg show off". Well, klo mo jujur sih, dikasi awan mendung gt juga ttp bagus koq..awan awan yg nutupin sebagian gunung & pemandangan parapat yg diselimuti awan juga bagus bgt, kecuali buat camera. jd emg giliran awan yg show off.. Tp Di kejauhan matahari udah ngintip..
Beautiful will always be beautiful, no matter what may come.. The show off is over, dan walopun matahari gaq nongol (dan seharian itu gaq nongol seharian), I can see all d view. It's still magnificent! I climb up the ferry's ladder to see the view.. Never want to go down.. I can see all around in d middle of d boat without blinking.. God is soo awsome! All this beauty He created didn't miss a spot!
We docked @ parapat n we’ll, not much to tell.. Not much to see.. cuma batu gantung yg trnyta cuma gt aja.. Tetep pemandangannya yg tiada tara.. Liat monyet monyet cilik berkeliaran di pinggir jalan.. Eh beneran monyet loo.. :D. Till night there's nothing special to tell, except that we share old memories.. Remembering & reflecting the first 8 wonder years as a familly... We talked & laugh.. Till we all fall asleep
this is d day dat we want to celebrate.. We hugged each other & we prayed together. Da gt keluar nikmatin the morning view.. Wuuaa.. Kereen bgt Boow! Indah d... Klo stay disini bbrp hr buat istirahat jg okay.. pemandangannya bagus bgt, palagi klo da matahari..coz selama disini blon ketemu matahari.... Hehe langsunglaah foto2, capturing the moment & scenery..the lake is Very beautiful, the hills are georgeous, standing tall & firm, yet lovely.. Everywhere you look, there are hills & water..
makam raja sidabutar di tomok jadi inceran berikut. tmptnya c bener2 ga ada yg bisa diliyat. Daerah ini gak bisa jual apa2... Cuma numpang alam aja, what a waste!
da diceritain latar blkngnya, kita liyat rumah tradisionalnya batak ampe ke dlm2 rumahnya.. Ini doang yg worth disitu. Eeh, da gitu ujan turun dgn hepinya, mungkin da tau kita gaq ada yg bawa payung hehehe ya ujan ujananlaaa kita ngejar jam brkt feri. Untung deket bgt dr situ.
So,@ ferry i began to sigh.. Thinking that i would miss a lot of beauty.. I saw the clouds & the rain covering everything in front of my eyes..
Awan nutupin pemandangan yg indah, mataharipun enggan menampakkan wajahnya, the clouds covering a beautiful landscape seakan akan bilang sama matahari "kali ini gw giliran gw yg show off". Well, klo mo jujur sih, dikasi awan mendung gt juga ttp bagus koq..awan awan yg nutupin sebagian gunung & pemandangan parapat yg diselimuti awan juga bagus bgt, kecuali buat camera. jd emg giliran awan yg show off.. Tp Di kejauhan matahari udah ngintip..
Beautiful will always be beautiful, no matter what may come.. The show off is over, dan walopun matahari gaq nongol (dan seharian itu gaq nongol seharian), I can see all d view. It's still magnificent! I climb up the ferry's ladder to see the view.. Never want to go down.. I can see all around in d middle of d boat without blinking.. God is soo awsome! All this beauty He created didn't miss a spot!
We docked @ parapat n we’ll, not much to tell.. Not much to see.. cuma batu gantung yg trnyta cuma gt aja.. Tetep pemandangannya yg tiada tara.. Liat monyet monyet cilik berkeliaran di pinggir jalan.. Eh beneran monyet loo.. :D. Till night there's nothing special to tell, except that we share old memories.. Remembering & reflecting the first 8 wonder years as a familly... We talked & laugh.. Till we all fall asleep
THE TELE! - day two
11.25 pm, 22 sept 06
Second day...
We depart from the hostel @ 10.. Round around ke pasar bunga & buah.. Semuanya bgs2.. Bunganya jg indah2.. Kyk di puncak bgt deey.. Buahnya jg murah2.. Borong jeruk, terong belanda, & mangga mungil tp manis.. Muter bentar bwat mkn pecel! Trus ke tmn hutan rakyat bukit barisan, ktmu bnyk monyet, yg lucu, salah satu msk ke mobil sebelah & ngembat permen permen,.. Yg laen pd ikut turun dr po'on.. Rameing d ma monyet.. Didn't touch them..
Take some pic, then off we go..
Jlnnya gaq lebar tp jauuh & luruus lurus.. We stopped by to a very interesting place called taman wisata iman. Disitu ada replika & patung2 religius dr 5 agama, & since this is a christian area, you could find church everywhere.. Gkpi, hkbp mostly..di area seluas 13 ha itu ada patung2 peristiwa dr jmn abraham ke musa, trus jln salib yesus sampe disalib & bangkit.. Yg laen kecil2 :p...
From Karo to Toba
We stopped by again @ tb simatupang & l manik statue.. A good view around the forest. Take some pictures & realized that i'm fatsoo now. Need to shape up my body again hahaha...
The last stop was magnificent! its called tele hills & mountains.. You could see lake toba from a distance & pemandangan bukitnya man!! Ga nahaan!! Sayang bgt batere camnya da tepar.. Jlnnya beneran nyusur pegunungan, & jlnnya kecil bgt, blm pula bnyk batu yg jatoh dr atas pd mejeng di tengah jalan.. Wuu... Never saw such scenery in front of my eyes, biasanya cm liyad di tv.. This is not a trip, this is an ADVENTURE!! aweesoomee!
A magic wonder that God had created.
Sayang blon dibuat maksimal promosinya..pdhl amat sangat menjanjikan. The people are too traditional.. Not educated enough to see how they can promote this place. Indonesia tu kaya raya, tp most of the ctizen tu org2 miskin.. Well, sebenernya kita gaq pernah merdeka dr penjajahan.. Sigh..
what a waste of beat. Penduduknya masi tradisional bgt.. The traditional is good, but the way of thinkingnyaa itu looow.. antara sayang, sebel & kesel... sigh.. merananya negeriku
So we arrived @ samosir yg sepiii bgt jam 5.30 pm.. Di jln cm liyat rumah2 traditional & kuburan yg jauu lbi mewah dr rumah itu sendiri..
Cr hotel carolina which is good & very cheap, good view too, cm da mlm..
Satu persatu tidur.. I stay awake the last..
Wondeful scenery.. Amazing view, lots to think, a great give thanks in the end..
Second day...
We depart from the hostel @ 10.. Round around ke pasar bunga & buah.. Semuanya bgs2.. Bunganya jg indah2.. Kyk di puncak bgt deey.. Buahnya jg murah2.. Borong jeruk, terong belanda, & mangga mungil tp manis.. Muter bentar bwat mkn pecel! Trus ke tmn hutan rakyat bukit barisan, ktmu bnyk monyet, yg lucu, salah satu msk ke mobil sebelah & ngembat permen permen,.. Yg laen pd ikut turun dr po'on.. Rameing d ma monyet.. Didn't touch them..
Take some pic, then off we go..
Jlnnya gaq lebar tp jauuh & luruus lurus.. We stopped by to a very interesting place called taman wisata iman. Disitu ada replika & patung2 religius dr 5 agama, & since this is a christian area, you could find church everywhere.. Gkpi, hkbp mostly..di area seluas 13 ha itu ada patung2 peristiwa dr jmn abraham ke musa, trus jln salib yesus sampe disalib & bangkit.. Yg laen kecil2 :p...
From Karo to Toba
We stopped by again @ tb simatupang & l manik statue.. A good view around the forest. Take some pictures & realized that i'm fatsoo now. Need to shape up my body again hahaha...
The last stop was magnificent! its called tele hills & mountains.. You could see lake toba from a distance & pemandangan bukitnya man!! Ga nahaan!! Sayang bgt batere camnya da tepar.. Jlnnya beneran nyusur pegunungan, & jlnnya kecil bgt, blm pula bnyk batu yg jatoh dr atas pd mejeng di tengah jalan.. Wuu... Never saw such scenery in front of my eyes, biasanya cm liyad di tv.. This is not a trip, this is an ADVENTURE!! aweesoomee!
A magic wonder that God had created.
Sayang blon dibuat maksimal promosinya..pdhl amat sangat menjanjikan. The people are too traditional.. Not educated enough to see how they can promote this place. Indonesia tu kaya raya, tp most of the ctizen tu org2 miskin.. Well, sebenernya kita gaq pernah merdeka dr penjajahan.. Sigh..
what a waste of beat. Penduduknya masi tradisional bgt.. The traditional is good, but the way of thinkingnyaa itu looow.. antara sayang, sebel & kesel... sigh.. merananya negeriku
So we arrived @ samosir yg sepiii bgt jam 5.30 pm.. Di jln cm liyat rumah2 traditional & kuburan yg jauu lbi mewah dr rumah itu sendiri..
Cr hotel carolina which is good & very cheap, good view too, cm da mlm..
Satu persatu tidur.. I stay awake the last..
Wondeful scenery.. Amazing view, lots to think, a great give thanks in the end..
21 sept 06, 13.42 WIB
gw menjejakkan kaki pertama kalinya di bandar udara polonia, medan.
kebiasaan dan pikiran bawah sadar sering membuat kita melakukan sesuatu berdasarkan pola yg udah tersimpan di otak.. Sama seperti tadi waktu gw nyampe di cengkareng.. Lngsg cek in, & setelah 5 mnt ngantri, I realized something was wrong.. I was lining on d way to batam!! Mmm.. How mind can take us that far. Selama ini klo ngantri, mikir bkl ketemu bokap nyokap tujuannya selalu ke batam sampe gw nyadar, koq flight numbernya beda yah sama flight number gw.. Sampe akhirnya gw liyad,.. God, tujuannya ke batam! Quickly I ask for the right line, & everything went well.. N well, airasia ngaret spt biasa..
Skrg gw lg nunggu bonyok & ko2 gw di bndara krn flight mrk jg di delay yg malah ga jls jam brp brktnya... I'm Waiting with no confirmation, sambil liatin org di sekitar yg berinteraksi penuh dinamika.
There they are.. Estimated time is 3.00 PM
Thank god there's technology called PDA so i can write & browse. But i'm starving to death, soo hungry :D
We rent a car with the driver, a relative from a relative.. So, our trip will be accompanied by a green krista.
It is our first destination, directly from medan.. We stopped by only to buy bika ambon. There's this road filled with bika ambon store, all d way..
On route, we stopped by several times. First, is to buy Grilled PORK! lapo medan coy! It's delicious & cheap! Yosi took some pictures of the maids there which r very happy with it! Buungkuuuss!!
Second stop is to buy star fruit & jambu.. Again, it was very cheap & we had a chat with a small kids who sell the fruits..
Third, Durian time!! We only bought 3 durians & it was enough, coz certainly it was not gonna be the last time we eat durian here.. Hehehe..
Fourth, i'm really tired, mom bought some toasted corn. Can't hardly eat anymore... didn't finish it as well.
@ 7 we arrived @ brastagi, ato berastagi... Tmpnya kyk puncak abees bow, ato cipanas laa..dingiin, berkabut, Oke juga c.. Kita puter2 btr nyari tmp nginep.. Dpt yg murah meriah & bersih..
Trus trnyata qta yg ngakunya da kenyang
ttp aja ngeganyang tu piggy panggang ... Nasinya jg seabrek abrek!!
First day was impressive. Bnyk hal br yg bisa diliyad & dinikmati.. Thank God for it..we close the day with give thanks to d lord..
gw menjejakkan kaki pertama kalinya di bandar udara polonia, medan.
kebiasaan dan pikiran bawah sadar sering membuat kita melakukan sesuatu berdasarkan pola yg udah tersimpan di otak.. Sama seperti tadi waktu gw nyampe di cengkareng.. Lngsg cek in, & setelah 5 mnt ngantri, I realized something was wrong.. I was lining on d way to batam!! Mmm.. How mind can take us that far. Selama ini klo ngantri, mikir bkl ketemu bokap nyokap tujuannya selalu ke batam sampe gw nyadar, koq flight numbernya beda yah sama flight number gw.. Sampe akhirnya gw liyad,.. God, tujuannya ke batam! Quickly I ask for the right line, & everything went well.. N well, airasia ngaret spt biasa..
Skrg gw lg nunggu bonyok & ko2 gw di bndara krn flight mrk jg di delay yg malah ga jls jam brp brktnya... I'm Waiting with no confirmation, sambil liatin org di sekitar yg berinteraksi penuh dinamika.
There they are.. Estimated time is 3.00 PM
Thank god there's technology called PDA so i can write & browse. But i'm starving to death, soo hungry :D
We rent a car with the driver, a relative from a relative.. So, our trip will be accompanied by a green krista.
It is our first destination, directly from medan.. We stopped by only to buy bika ambon. There's this road filled with bika ambon store, all d way..
On route, we stopped by several times. First, is to buy Grilled PORK! lapo medan coy! It's delicious & cheap! Yosi took some pictures of the maids there which r very happy with it! Buungkuuuss!!
Second stop is to buy star fruit & jambu.. Again, it was very cheap & we had a chat with a small kids who sell the fruits..
Third, Durian time!! We only bought 3 durians & it was enough, coz certainly it was not gonna be the last time we eat durian here.. Hehehe..
Fourth, i'm really tired, mom bought some toasted corn. Can't hardly eat anymore... didn't finish it as well.
@ 7 we arrived @ brastagi, ato berastagi... Tmpnya kyk puncak abees bow, ato cipanas laa..dingiin, berkabut, Oke juga c.. Kita puter2 btr nyari tmp nginep.. Dpt yg murah meriah & bersih..
Trus trnyata qta yg ngakunya da kenyang
ttp aja ngeganyang tu piggy panggang ... Nasinya jg seabrek abrek!!
First day was impressive. Bnyk hal br yg bisa diliyad & dinikmati.. Thank God for it..we close the day with give thanks to d lord..
Saturday, September 09, 2006
end of the day
i'm just sad this nite...
a good day at the start...somehow plans changed..
i should've felt better than this.. but i don't
i know it'll go away as fast as i can think of..
but anyhow i can only say thanks to the lord above..
so, thanks...
a good day at the start...somehow plans changed..
i should've felt better than this.. but i don't
i know it'll go away as fast as i can think of..
but anyhow i can only say thanks to the lord above..
so, thanks...
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
bye, good friend
today i lost a very nice friend in the office...
she was sacked (a crude way to say) because of reasons that none of them are her fault, i think... its just the condition that had to be that way...
i'm speechless... stranded by what just happen this afternoon..
no farewell.. no nothing, just a simple tear
i'm sad.. hopeless with nothing i can do....
i watch her walk by leaving steps and memories away from the office...
bye ly, very nice to know you, its been a pleasure working with you...
success for you along the way....
and thanks for being such a good friend...
i'm gonna miss you that's for sure
i believe the sun still shines with you...
she was sacked (a crude way to say) because of reasons that none of them are her fault, i think... its just the condition that had to be that way...
i'm speechless... stranded by what just happen this afternoon..
no farewell.. no nothing, just a simple tear
i'm sad.. hopeless with nothing i can do....
i watch her walk by leaving steps and memories away from the office...
bye ly, very nice to know you, its been a pleasure working with you...
success for you along the way....
and thanks for being such a good friend...
i'm gonna miss you that's for sure
i believe the sun still shines with you...
Thursday, August 17, 2006
neue season
its the new season at school!!...
new kids, new principal,
new atmosphere, new added team, new outfit =D
lots of challenge difinitely... new modified curriculum....
more things to be done..
for me.. besides all that enthusiasm, i really miss the kids i used to teach
in the first 2 weeks there are lots of kids asking me whether i teach them again or not..
one of them even ask permission to go to the rest room to me..
a bit sad.. like a little needle stabbed to my heart... =D
its hard to change your focus to a very new surroundings.. this new class i mean
i still hang out with them at break time or after school hour..
better then ever i might say...
we played futsal again (and u know what, other kids knew that too!), had dinner @ seafood ayu with the boyz.. hang out with them.. life group again...
have new kids to pay attention to....
and i have only one year to do so...
things will be different i guess...
better or worse,
above all i just want Your name to be glorified
new kids, new principal,
new atmosphere, new added team, new outfit =D
lots of challenge difinitely... new modified curriculum....
more things to be done..
for me.. besides all that enthusiasm, i really miss the kids i used to teach
in the first 2 weeks there are lots of kids asking me whether i teach them again or not..
one of them even ask permission to go to the rest room to me..
a bit sad.. like a little needle stabbed to my heart... =D
its hard to change your focus to a very new surroundings.. this new class i mean
i still hang out with them at break time or after school hour..
better then ever i might say...
we played futsal again (and u know what, other kids knew that too!), had dinner @ seafood ayu with the boyz.. hang out with them.. life group again...
have new kids to pay attention to....
and i have only one year to do so...
things will be different i guess...
better or worse,
above all i just want Your name to be glorified
would you believe me?
if i said that i loved you, but i didn't show it much..
or maybe almost never....
would you believe me?
if i said that i care about you
without showing any signs of caring....
would you believe me?
if i said that i missed you..
yet i don't know how to comunicate with you..
would you believe me?
would you still believe me if didn't do anything for you or even say anything to you?
in all that matter... with everything that i never did, which maybe i should
i just wanna say ...
'i will love you forever, no matter what i do or what you do "
mom and dad.....
you're not perfect, but you're a true blessing for me
or maybe almost never....
would you believe me?
if i said that i care about you
without showing any signs of caring....
would you believe me?
if i said that i missed you..
yet i don't know how to comunicate with you..
would you believe me?
would you still believe me if didn't do anything for you or even say anything to you?
in all that matter... with everything that i never did, which maybe i should
i just wanna say ...
'i will love you forever, no matter what i do or what you do "
mom and dad.....
you're not perfect, but you're a true blessing for me
Friday, August 04, 2006
a first time experience as a translator
hard... ecxausting...
you have to listen carefully, listen fast & think fast to translate it...
in the other hand.. you have to understand the material as well..
i maen.. i'm not just being a translator.. i'm being a participant as well...
so i need the metarial, but in the other hand i have to try to translate it...
but thank God.. it went quite well with some mistakes here and there... hehehehe
gladly over...
hard... ecxausting...
you have to listen carefully, listen fast & think fast to translate it...
in the other hand.. you have to understand the material as well..
i maen.. i'm not just being a translator.. i'm being a participant as well...
so i need the metarial, but in the other hand i have to try to translate it...
but thank God.. it went quite well with some mistakes here and there... hehehehe
gladly over...
Thursday, July 13, 2006

today, you decided to resign...
today, you shown who you are...
today, you show your integrity, humility, and responsibility
really respect your decision though it might not what we all hope
you've shown spirit, nationalism, patriotism, dedication, optimism and HOPE
all the best for you in your journey of life
dedicated to Juergen Klinsmann, a noble man
Rick Warren
Today's the day that people have waited for a while at church.
Rick Warren is preaching on a joint sunday service at Shangrila ballroom.
Lots of crowd at the venue. Our life group split to 8.30 & 10.30.. Robert was there too.. I arrived on time, met rob but split seat.. Rick has a throat problems so he was replaced by one of his pastor team. But the preaching was good. Met k' haskar too..been a loong time since we've met.. Met ewa as well..
No disappointment at all..
Rick Warren is preaching on a joint sunday service at Shangrila ballroom.
Lots of crowd at the venue. Our life group split to 8.30 & 10.30.. Robert was there too.. I arrived on time, met rob but split seat.. Rick has a throat problems so he was replaced by one of his pastor team. But the preaching was good. Met k' haskar too..been a loong time since we've met.. Met ewa as well..
No disappointment at all..
Farewell Heroes
Everything has come to an end,
It hurts not to be number one when retirement is in front of the eye!
And Maybe this is the end for you in the World Cups
But you are all heroes that will shine & last in memories
Oliver Kahn -
you are always number one, even when you're not in the field

Jens Lehmann -
Superb work through out the year. You've proven that Klinsmann is not wrong to pick you as number 1

Jens Nowotny -
You're always a figure to follow for the young German defence

Bernd Schneider -
You never stop fighting till the end. A true German spirit

Oliver Neuville -
humble yet hard worker forward. Calm & Cool figure upfront.. Never been selfish. You will remain in the hearts of all germans

Farewell Heroes! You've shown what a hero is really all about
after the final, 10 July 2006
a spirit never dies when hearts joined together
Though disappointment & sadness grasp at soul
You never stop fighting till d end
At the end, smile & laughter are all is seen
Joyful & gladness appeared
You have shown & gave the best you have..
No matter where where it ends
It'll stay in one's heart
We will never forget this moment
Thank you, for the hope you've showed us.. For hope is what makes us live
Thank you for not giving up!
dedicated to Team germany 2006
3rd winner of the 2006 World Cup
Oliver Khan, Jens Lehmann, Timo Hildebrand
Marcell Jansen, Arne Friedrich, Phillip Lahm, Christoph Metzelder, Per Mertsacker, Robert Huth, Jens Nowotny
David Odonkor, Thorsten Frings, Michael Ballack, Bernd Schneider, Tim Borowski, Sebastian Kehl, Bastian Sweinsteiger, Thomas Hitzlperger
Gerald Asamoah, Mike Hanke, Oliver Neuville, Lucas Podolski, Miroslav Klose
Oliver Bierhoff, Andreas Keopke, Joachim Leow, & most of all
after the final, 10th July 2006
Though disappointment & sadness grasp at soul
You never stop fighting till d end
At the end, smile & laughter are all is seen
Joyful & gladness appeared
You have shown & gave the best you have..
No matter where where it ends
It'll stay in one's heart
We will never forget this moment
Thank you, for the hope you've showed us.. For hope is what makes us live
Thank you for not giving up!
dedicated to Team germany 2006
3rd winner of the 2006 World Cup
Oliver Khan, Jens Lehmann, Timo Hildebrand
Marcell Jansen, Arne Friedrich, Phillip Lahm, Christoph Metzelder, Per Mertsacker, Robert Huth, Jens Nowotny
David Odonkor, Thorsten Frings, Michael Ballack, Bernd Schneider, Tim Borowski, Sebastian Kehl, Bastian Sweinsteiger, Thomas Hitzlperger
Gerald Asamoah, Mike Hanke, Oliver Neuville, Lucas Podolski, Miroslav Klose
Oliver Bierhoff, Andreas Keopke, Joachim Leow, & most of all
after the final, 10th July 2006
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
2 days ago i became an uncle of a boy named Vincentius Sebastian Lee Marciano...
hmmm... sounds an italian eh? hehehe..
and the only brother i have doesn't have a girlfriend yet!
hmmm... sounds an italian eh? hehehe..
and the only brother i have doesn't have a girlfriend yet!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Auf wiedersehn & welcome hope
Finally, the German lost their game to Italy at the semi…
A match with breath taking moments
The youngster had performed a new breed of a new German team…
They may be lost, but definitely there is a new hope…
One end is a new start
A start of hope…
So, welcome hope
A match with breath taking moments
The youngster had performed a new breed of a new German team…
They may be lost, but definitely there is a new hope…
One end is a new start
A start of hope…
So, welcome hope
Friday, June 23, 2006
its still football... WORLD CUP!
again and again..
wel , the german side has perform well to get the maximum points...
second round is againts sweden...
gonna be more interesting,
i hope...
again and again..
wel , the german side has perform well to get the maximum points...
second round is againts sweden...
gonna be more interesting,
i hope...
Thursday, June 15, 2006

its the Germany FIFA World Cup!
all 32 teams will battle to win the single cup..
its been a week now,
and so far i'v only watched the live action when its deutschland playing
the other.. wel, doesn't matter much..
i prefer to sleep and save my energy
the deutschland has gone through the knockout phase
with 4-2 win against Costa Rica and 1 - 0 against Poland
and so is the astonishing ecuador
and well, england..with their pride of the nation..
who will come next?
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Every word must have its action...
speak of the rule...coz that is what rule is all about
sometimes rule doesn't talk about feeling, compassion and forgiveness
and that is why making a decision for people breaking the rules are hard..
over a week this problem had been around more than one head..
buzzing around on and off.. causing a huge mixture in the atmosphere
all the emotions erupt!
rage between parents, students and teachers...
love and hate...
right and wrong...
its all about choices...
i keep thinking about it everyday...
hope that the solution could be the best
and i learn something..
besides the truth, fact...
the desires and hope for the better...
love and care..
politic talks...
even the simplest truth can be turned...
what a world we live in...
what a school i'm in to...
but in the end i believe i was there for a purpose
to keep making the better even from the worse..
and again, its a choice...
speak of the rule...coz that is what rule is all about
sometimes rule doesn't talk about feeling, compassion and forgiveness
and that is why making a decision for people breaking the rules are hard..
over a week this problem had been around more than one head..
buzzing around on and off.. causing a huge mixture in the atmosphere
all the emotions erupt!
rage between parents, students and teachers...
love and hate...
right and wrong...
its all about choices...
i keep thinking about it everyday...
hope that the solution could be the best
and i learn something..
besides the truth, fact...
the desires and hope for the better...
love and care..
politic talks...
even the simplest truth can be turned...
what a world we live in...
what a school i'm in to...
but in the end i believe i was there for a purpose
to keep making the better even from the worse..
and again, its a choice...
long road
knowledge and action....
mind and will
sometimes it contradict itself...
exploding a battle in your self
a battle on a long road...
where will you be..
what will you be ..
a question on a never ending journey
mind and will
sometimes it contradict itself...
exploding a battle in your self
a battle on a long road...
where will you be..
what will you be ..
a question on a never ending journey
Friday, April 28, 2006
i walk in a line...
i watch the trees and feel the wind blowing soft..
smooth, lovely & beauty blend in a mixtures you cannot say..
leaves falling to the ground one by one as i keep my steps..
walking my road with a smile...
the road ahead seemms narrowed
slowly i get nearby..
i think for while, and i remembered what i just felt
and with no hesitation i walked on
the road is still the same
but somehow i'm shakin.. i tremble on my walk
i walked in doubt
where am i going?
where does this road leads me?
i stood there for a while
trying to feel the wind and the falling leaves again..
but there is none...
where am i?
why am i here?
i see the road.. it is still the same..
i see around.. it stood still, nothing changes
then why i feel so different? i cant move my lips to smile
i see the road again..
i wanna keep walking
but my feet seems so hard to make the steps
i wanna keep walking....
i wanna keep walking....
i know i have to keep walking
i wanna keep walking...
i watch the trees and feel the wind blowing soft..
smooth, lovely & beauty blend in a mixtures you cannot say..
leaves falling to the ground one by one as i keep my steps..
walking my road with a smile...
the road ahead seemms narrowed
slowly i get nearby..
i think for while, and i remembered what i just felt
and with no hesitation i walked on
the road is still the same
but somehow i'm shakin.. i tremble on my walk
i walked in doubt
where am i going?
where does this road leads me?
i stood there for a while
trying to feel the wind and the falling leaves again..
but there is none...
where am i?
why am i here?
i see the road.. it is still the same..
i see around.. it stood still, nothing changes
then why i feel so different? i cant move my lips to smile
i see the road again..
i wanna keep walking
but my feet seems so hard to make the steps
i wanna keep walking....
i wanna keep walking....
i know i have to keep walking
i wanna keep walking...
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Selena, again...
today i found something about her...
it was just days after the doctors in singapore said that they give up on her, she went away for good..
coming back to the Father's house
after noticing what the doctors had told her, she finally can surrender he life to God and let go everything she had and make peace with it
and i believe, she walks home with a smile,
a happy face knowing that she already completed her part in this world...
and when it came to me,.. i ask my self
how far have i done my part in this world?
it was just days after the doctors in singapore said that they give up on her, she went away for good..
coming back to the Father's house
after noticing what the doctors had told her, she finally can surrender he life to God and let go everything she had and make peace with it
and i believe, she walks home with a smile,
a happy face knowing that she already completed her part in this world...
and when it came to me,.. i ask my self
how far have i done my part in this world?
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Life is like a coin..
when a face heads up, the other face down...
its just like 2 of my students at school..
one is very happy these days..
falling in love and the star seemed shining bright on her
filling her life with smile and doin' funny things...
fantastic moments with good grade keeps showin' up
how could anything beat that?
the other, is very sad at the moment
she just break up ..
angry, lonely, desparete, lost, sad, disoriented as she said it her self
not even the bright sun can cheer her up
cloudy dayz as it passes by
ah, what a contrary life has brought up to people
a contrary, in which,.. we can always learn and surrender to the lord
coz we are nothing, build to be important in Him...
as we don't know the future nor His plan..
as we walk in His way..
then the sun will always shine again,
brighter than before...
when a face heads up, the other face down...
its just like 2 of my students at school..
one is very happy these days..
falling in love and the star seemed shining bright on her
filling her life with smile and doin' funny things...
fantastic moments with good grade keeps showin' up
how could anything beat that?
the other, is very sad at the moment
she just break up ..
angry, lonely, desparete, lost, sad, disoriented as she said it her self
not even the bright sun can cheer her up
cloudy dayz as it passes by
ah, what a contrary life has brought up to people
a contrary, in which,.. we can always learn and surrender to the lord
coz we are nothing, build to be important in Him...
as we don't know the future nor His plan..
as we walk in His way..
then the sun will always shine again,
brighter than before...
Monday, April 17, 2006
Amazing Love
I don’t know this girl..
I just know that she’s still young, aged 30 something and had a cancer
All the people at IES had been praying for her for over a month,...
No doctors in Indonesia are willing to take care of her..
So she went to singapore last week.
And the result are the same, all the doctors gave up since the cancer had spread all over her body..
She went back to Indonesia on Tuesday, and we prayed for her again on Good Friday at the service.
The church opens a list for anyone who would sign up to pray for her.
I didn’t sign but i’ve prayed for her twice last week at home.
On Saturday, she passed away...
So quick..
how would she felt when the doctors said that there is no hope for her?
Hope, is something that makes us live...
For how can we live without hope?
His resurections gives us hope,..
To live in this world with faith,
To live with righteousness...
for He had died for our sin..
I just know that she’s still young, aged 30 something and had a cancer
All the people at IES had been praying for her for over a month,...
No doctors in Indonesia are willing to take care of her..
So she went to singapore last week.
And the result are the same, all the doctors gave up since the cancer had spread all over her body..
She went back to Indonesia on Tuesday, and we prayed for her again on Good Friday at the service.
The church opens a list for anyone who would sign up to pray for her.
I didn’t sign but i’ve prayed for her twice last week at home.
On Saturday, she passed away...
So quick..
how would she felt when the doctors said that there is no hope for her?
Hope, is something that makes us live...
For how can we live without hope?
His resurections gives us hope,..
To live in this world with faith,
To live with righteousness...
for He had died for our sin..
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
i like shortcuts
it makes everything faster than it has to be..
it simples thing, saves time and energy as well
life is easier that way ey?
but the result of it more often like the way it is..
just like me...
it makes everything faster than it has to be..
it simples thing, saves time and energy as well
life is easier that way ey?
but the result of it more often like the way it is..
just like me...
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Aku seumpama Abraham,
yang dipanggil dari kemapanan dan kenyamanan
ke suatu negeri antah berantah.
Maka aku akan mengalir.
Dengan doa:
“Ini aku, Tuhan.
Pakailah seturut kehendak-Mu.”
yang dipanggil dari kemapanan dan kenyamanan
ke suatu negeri antah berantah.
Maka aku akan mengalir.
Dengan doa:
“Ini aku, Tuhan.
Pakailah seturut kehendak-Mu.”
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
believe & belong...
into your hands i commit again
all i am for you Lord
you hold my word in the palm of your hands
and i'm yours forever....
i'll walk with you, wherever you go
through tears and joy, i'll trust in you
and i will live in all your ways...
in all your promise
all i am for you Lord
you hold my word in the palm of your hands
and i'm yours forever....
i'll walk with you, wherever you go
through tears and joy, i'll trust in you
and i will live in all your ways...
in all your promise
I believe in you, I belong to you
in all i do... with all i am
Monday, March 13, 2006
I am learning about faith..
it is never easy, coz it had to deal with problems
and those problems were never easy too...
believe and surrender...
i'm glad that He teach me in certain ways
can't say that i'm happy with the problem,
but i'm happy to know that He loved me so much,
that He cared for me and teach me new things to be better and better each day..
to be the man He wanted me to be.
and I know that i can deal with it coz He has given me the strength.
And nothing is beyond that.. nothing i face is bigger than the power inside me..
I can coz He enables me ...
i put my faith in You...
sometimes i stumble...
sometimes i doubt...
sometimes maybe i yelled
but let me yield before you
coz you are the greatest there is.....
it is never easy, coz it had to deal with problems
and those problems were never easy too...
believe and surrender...
i'm glad that He teach me in certain ways
can't say that i'm happy with the problem,
but i'm happy to know that He loved me so much,
that He cared for me and teach me new things to be better and better each day..
to be the man He wanted me to be.
and I know that i can deal with it coz He has given me the strength.
And nothing is beyond that.. nothing i face is bigger than the power inside me..
I can coz He enables me ...
i put my faith in You...
sometimes i stumble...
sometimes i doubt...
sometimes maybe i yelled
but let me yield before you
coz you are the greatest there is.....
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Push Your Personal Limit ! Ooow Yeah !
We Are The Champion
We Push Our Limit
Oyeah...oYeah.. O yeah...
this is the best PYPL Camp we've ever held, i guess...
the guys from UPH senate was great.. small groups, about 28 person...
they responded all the programs well and they push their limit !
and they really mean it! how awesome could it be?
so we enjoyed the program and so are they.. a very win win solution..
the rain just disturb a bit on the high impact outbound.
But again again again and again, ... thanks to the Lord for the weather and everything... coz again again and again, we saw His power & Glory .. everytime we held this program, we always see His miracle...
No words can describe it....
Hope to see them again one day..
well, ....
Kalimantan awaits now..
i'll be gone for 8 days...
a new challenge definitely, i just haven't got the touch yet..
need to focus tommorow...
i miss my bun..
We Push Our Limit
Oyeah...oYeah.. O yeah...
this is the best PYPL Camp we've ever held, i guess...
the guys from UPH senate was great.. small groups, about 28 person...
they responded all the programs well and they push their limit !
and they really mean it! how awesome could it be?
so we enjoyed the program and so are they.. a very win win solution..
the rain just disturb a bit on the high impact outbound.
But again again again and again, ... thanks to the Lord for the weather and everything... coz again again and again, we saw His power & Glory .. everytime we held this program, we always see His miracle...
No words can describe it....
Hope to see them again one day..
well, ....
Kalimantan awaits now..
i'll be gone for 8 days...
a new challenge definitely, i just haven't got the touch yet..
need to focus tommorow...
i miss my bun..
Sunday, February 19, 2006
happy day...
O Happy day... O happy daay....
O happy day...
today was great!
since last night i have this energy and excitement about today and it happened
so wonderful..
i joined a bible study program for 5 weeks
and the opening week was marvelous
i get to learn so many things.. and it revealed a lot about my faith and the way it should be
there's a dance at church today and it was fun..
well everything went well today...
and it has been a loong time since i wrote about bun..
ah, i missed her everyday.. hoping for a day when we can be together again..
but God has told me to use my time not to wait..
but to live happy, to search His will and be the person He wants me to be
so i want to end this day with a great feeling as well..
O happy day...
today was great!
since last night i have this energy and excitement about today and it happened
so wonderful..
i joined a bible study program for 5 weeks
and the opening week was marvelous
i get to learn so many things.. and it revealed a lot about my faith and the way it should be
there's a dance at church today and it was fun..
well everything went well today...
and it has been a loong time since i wrote about bun..
ah, i missed her everyday.. hoping for a day when we can be together again..
but God has told me to use my time not to wait..
but to live happy, to search His will and be the person He wants me to be
so i want to end this day with a great feeling as well..
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Because love is patient...
Help me to be slow to judge, but quick to listen.
Hesitant to critize, but eager to encourage,
Remembering your endless patience with me.
Because love is kind...
Help my words to be gentle and my actions to be thoughtful.
Remind me to smile and to say “please” and “thank you”
Because those little things still mean so much
Because love does not envy or boast, and it is not proud...
Help me have a heart that is humble and sees the good in others.
May i celebrate and appreciate all that i have ad all that i am, as well as doing the same for those around me...
Because love is not rude or self seeking...
Help me to speak words that are easy on the ear and on the heart.
When i’m tempted to get wrapped up in my own little world, remind me there’s a great big world out there full of needs and hurts
Because love is not easily angered and keeps no records of wrongs...
Help me to forgive others as you have forgiven me
When I want to hold onto a grudge, gently help me release it so i can reach out with a hand of love instead
Because love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth...
Help me stand up for what is right and good. May i defend the defenseless, and help the helpless.
Show me how I can make the difference
Because love always protects and always trusts...
Help me to be a refuge for those around me.
When the world outside is harsh and cold, may my heart be a place of acceptance and warmth
Finally, because love always preserves...
Help my heart continually beat the love for You and others
Thank you for this day when we celebrate love, and for showing us what that word really means.
Holley Gerth
Because love is patient...
Help me to be slow to judge, but quick to listen.
Hesitant to critize, but eager to encourage,
Remembering your endless patience with me.
Because love is kind...
Help my words to be gentle and my actions to be thoughtful.
Remind me to smile and to say “please” and “thank you”
Because those little things still mean so much
Because love does not envy or boast, and it is not proud...
Help me have a heart that is humble and sees the good in others.
May i celebrate and appreciate all that i have ad all that i am, as well as doing the same for those around me...
Because love is not rude or self seeking...
Help me to speak words that are easy on the ear and on the heart.
When i’m tempted to get wrapped up in my own little world, remind me there’s a great big world out there full of needs and hurts
Because love is not easily angered and keeps no records of wrongs...
Help me to forgive others as you have forgiven me
When I want to hold onto a grudge, gently help me release it so i can reach out with a hand of love instead
Because love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth...
Help me stand up for what is right and good. May i defend the defenseless, and help the helpless.
Show me how I can make the difference
Because love always protects and always trusts...
Help me to be a refuge for those around me.
When the world outside is harsh and cold, may my heart be a place of acceptance and warmth
Finally, because love always preserves...
Help my heart continually beat the love for You and others
Thank you for this day when we celebrate love, and for showing us what that word really means.
Holley Gerth
Friday, February 10, 2006
Perception & perspective...
each one word, so many ideas and thoughts...
a word which can unite..
a word which can destroy..
how hard is it to control them?
for as long as you live, you'll always have perception & perspective
a very hard way to unite these two things..
everybody can be right... they just have different perception and perspective.
but because of that.. a war can start...
a relation can be broke...
such a meaningful word to live with..
each one word, so many ideas and thoughts...
a word which can unite..
a word which can destroy..
how hard is it to control them?
for as long as you live, you'll always have perception & perspective
a very hard way to unite these two things..
everybody can be right... they just have different perception and perspective.
but because of that.. a war can start...
a relation can be broke...
such a meaningful word to live with..
week 3
i had to postponed my fasting since the sinshe gave me some medicine i had to drink...
the 2 days of fasting are marvelous...
and somehow, till the end of this week i kept thinking i'm fasting.. or at least i pray about things to ask and to do...
this week my brain worked again.. lots of jobs done and new ideas poped-up..
next weeks gonna be another heavy training ...
need to secure my body sice there are sooo many sick people around
the damn thing is that i didn't swim this week...
no exercise... sigh... next week have to be better...
the 2 days of fasting are marvelous...
and somehow, till the end of this week i kept thinking i'm fasting.. or at least i pray about things to ask and to do...
this week my brain worked again.. lots of jobs done and new ideas poped-up..
next weeks gonna be another heavy training ...
need to secure my body sice there are sooo many sick people around
the damn thing is that i didn't swim this week...
no exercise... sigh... next week have to be better...
Monday, February 06, 2006
2nd week
2nd week of fasting....
never thought i could fast at camp...
amazingly, i could =D
its getting better last week
still hard to control my self though....
but i hope each week there are more progress
i pray the lord keep my soul to thee..
so what i see, i can see from His eyes..
what i said are words from His mouth..
what i think is from His mind..
what i feel comes from His heart..
and what i do, comes from my faith to Him....
never thought i could fast at camp...
amazingly, i could =D
its getting better last week
still hard to control my self though....
but i hope each week there are more progress
i pray the lord keep my soul to thee..
so what i see, i can see from His eyes..
what i said are words from His mouth..
what i think is from His mind..
what i feel comes from His heart..
and what i do, comes from my faith to Him....
Friday, January 27, 2006
a week i've been fasting....
a hard week to obtain my health... sigh..
well, at least i've managed it though..
we'll see next week...
a hard week to obtain my health... sigh..
well, at least i've managed it though..
we'll see next week...
Monday, January 23, 2006
here i am
light of the world
you stepped down into darkness
open my eyes let me see
beauty that made this heart adores you
hope for a life spent with you
here i am to worship
here i am to bow down
here i am to say that you're my God
all together lovely...
all together worthy...
all together wonderful to me
king of all days
oh so highly exalted
glorious in heaven above
humbly you came to the world you created
all for love's sake became poor
i'll never know ho much it cost
to see my sins upon that cross
call upon the name of the lord
and be saved...
here i am to worship...
you stepped down into darkness
open my eyes let me see
beauty that made this heart adores you
hope for a life spent with you
here i am to worship
here i am to bow down
here i am to say that you're my God
all together lovely...
all together worthy...
all together wonderful to me
king of all days
oh so highly exalted
glorious in heaven above
humbly you came to the world you created
all for love's sake became poor
i'll never know ho much it cost
to see my sins upon that cross
call upon the name of the lord
and be saved...
here i am to worship...
A memorious weekend @ buitenzorg.. whatever that means
I had a wedding invitation, its an old friend
It had great video & pre wed pictures
I miss bun a lot,.. hoping she was there with me
the only desire rob n i have is to meet tungs..
haven't heard any news from her since a while
and yea.. we met her.. and afterwards we go to talk..
like usual times.. old times..
always bring joy when we had this moment
a moment to treasure, while we can..
the next day i met titondut & marie..
they told me bout their honeymoon
he's damn fatso =P
but its nice to see them happy, such a newly weds couple..
my best friend.. hope the happiness never ends eh man?
eniwei, above all, bun's sharing was the most loveliest thing that happened that day
at night, i met togi. haven't met him since 12 years ago.. and yesterday might be the last time i ever see him, since he's going back to germany this weekend..
ah, how time flies by... you never know..
but its great that we have this friendship.. a loong lasting one i believe
i close the day with give thanks as He close the day with the brightness of the moon and smiling stars..
buitenzorg, 22 januari 2006
a city i once wish to forget..
I had a wedding invitation, its an old friend
It had great video & pre wed pictures
I miss bun a lot,.. hoping she was there with me
the only desire rob n i have is to meet tungs..
haven't heard any news from her since a while
and yea.. we met her.. and afterwards we go to talk..
like usual times.. old times..
always bring joy when we had this moment
a moment to treasure, while we can..
the next day i met titondut & marie..
they told me bout their honeymoon
he's damn fatso =P
but its nice to see them happy, such a newly weds couple..
my best friend.. hope the happiness never ends eh man?
eniwei, above all, bun's sharing was the most loveliest thing that happened that day
at night, i met togi. haven't met him since 12 years ago.. and yesterday might be the last time i ever see him, since he's going back to germany this weekend..
ah, how time flies by... you never know..
but its great that we have this friendship.. a loong lasting one i believe
i close the day with give thanks as He close the day with the brightness of the moon and smiling stars..
buitenzorg, 22 januari 2006
a city i once wish to forget..
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